Gary S. Stein
University of Massachusetts Medical School
The central theme of Gary Stein’s research has been to discover mechanisms controlling proliferation and differentiation emphasizing compromised regulation linked with disease. His lab characterizes transcriptional regulation that mediates cell cycle control, focusing on molecular mechanisms regulating gene expression at the G1/S phase transition in normal and tumor cells and the abbreviated pluripotent cell cycle in human embryonic stem cells. He has a major commitment to investigating bone tissue specific gene expression, including microRNA-mediated control, within the context of skeletal development and bone remodeling as well as aberrations that accompany the onset and progression of skeletal disease. The Stein lab is defining functional relationships between the subnuclear organization of regulatory proteins and gene expression, pursuing mechanisms that support combinatorial organization and assembly of regulatory machinery in nuclear microenvironments and epigenetic control of cell fate and lineage commitment in biological control and cancer.
Research Interest